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- 6ME Screening
Please bring along the work permit card/passport and the ICA medical form on the day of the appointment. ➭ Payment is to be made in the chosen clinics. 🩸 Screening includes: • VD (Syphilis TP Ab) • Serum Pregnancy Test 🩻 If a Chest X-ray is required, do inform our staff and we will refer you to our partnered radiology centers/polyclinics. Once the ICA medical form is filled up, our nurses will iSubmit the medical form for you to MOM. After submitting the results, the employers will receive an SMS notification from our clinic to collect the physical copy.
- LTA Medical Checkup
Please bring your identification card and LTA medical form on the day of your appointment. ➭ Payment is to be made in the chosen clinics. 🩺 Screening includes: • Medical Examination • Visual Acuity 👓 Please bring your glasses on the day of the appointment. (If applicable) 🩻 If a Chest X-ray is required, do inform our staff and we will refer you to our partnered radiology centers/polyclinics.
- Permanent Resident Medical Checkup
Please bring along the Identification Documents and the ICA medical form on the day of the appointment. ➭ Payment is to be made in the chosen clinics. 🩺 Screening includes: • Medical Screening • HIV Screening • Chest X-ray Optional - Update COVID-19 vaccination records into National Immunization Records (NIR) 🩻 If a Chest X-ray is required, do inform our staff and we will refer you to our partnered radiology centers/polyclinics. 💉 Let our staff know if your COVID-19 vaccination records are required to be updated in the National Immunization Registry (NIR).
- Travel Vaccinations
Price varies for different vaccinations. ➭ Price before GST ➭ Payment is to be made in the chosen clinics. Punggol MRT and The Seletar Mall branches are MOH-designated Yellow Fever vaccination centre which is approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO) with the accompanying international certificate. Vaccinations such as Meningococcal Vaccination, Yellow Fever Vaccination & Tetanus Vaccination require pre-booking, our nurses will schedule and arrange the timing with you. If you require any assistance on what are the mandatory vaccinations for your travel, feel free to check with our nurses.
- Health Screening Package B
This is our most popular health screening package, comprising all the essential tests for every individual who wishes to have a detailed understanding of their health. This screening includes a doctor’s consultation, post-review with the doctor and physical examination assessment. It includes vital signs measurement such as Height and Weight Measurement, Blood Pressure and Oximeter reading. Price: $198 ➭ Price before GST ➭ Payment is to be made in the chosen clinics. 📋 General Assessment: ✓ Review of Results ✓ Blood Pressure Measurement ✓ Height & Weight Measurement ✓ Visual Acuity ✓ Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire 🩸 Laboratory Analysis: • Haematology (血液学) ◦ Full Blood Count ◦ Peripheral Blood Film • Cardiac Risk Profile (心脏风险指数) ◦ Full Cholesterol (Including Direct LDL) ◦ Hs C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) • Diabetic Panel (糖尿病检查) ◦ HBA1C ◦ Glucose (Random) • Gout Screening (尿酸) • Full Kidney Function (肾检查) • Bone & Joint Profile (骨和关节检查) ◦ Calcium ◦ Phosphate ◦ Rheumatoid Factor (RF) • Full Liver Function (肝检查) • Hepatitis A & B Screen (A和B型肝炎) • Thyroid Profile (甲状腺检查) ◦ Free T4 (FT4) • Cancer Markers (肿瘤指数) ◦ AFP (Liver) (肝癌) ◦ CEA (Colon) (结肠癌) • Urine / Stool Analysis (尿液分析) ✅ Recommended for working adults or individuals with diabetes. 🕑 Available to do your health screening any time of the day, without needing to fast beforehand. 🍴 Non-Fasting Option Available, a light meal is allowed, but please refrain from drinking alcohol before your screening.
- Long-Term Visit Pass Medical Checkup
Please bring along the Identification Documents and the ICA medical form on the day of the appointment. ➭ Payment is to be made in the chosen clinics. 🩺 Screening includes: • Medical Screening • HIV Screening • Chest X-ray Optional - Update COVID-19 vaccination records into National Immunization Records (NIR) 🩻 If a Chest X-ray is required, do inform our staff and we will refer you to our partnered radiology centers/polyclinics. 💉 Let our staff know if your COVID-19 vaccination records are required to be updated in the National Immunization Registry (NIR).
- Vaccinations
Price varies for different vaccinations. ➭ Price before GST ➭ Payment is to be made in the chosen clinics. Healthier SG (HSG)-enrolled Singapore Citizens • Only Eligible Persons under the National Adult Immunisation Schedule (NAIS) will be fully subsidised at their enrolled HSG clinic. CHAS Subsidies • Those aged 65 years and above are recommended to get vaccinations. This group is eligible for CHAS subsidies. Influenza Vaccination • Individuals who are 18-64 years old and have any of the following conditions or indications are eligible for CHAS subsidies: ⚬ Chronic disorders of the pulmonary or cardiovascular systems, including asthma; ⚬ Requires medical follow-up or hospitalisation due to chronic metabolic diseases (including diabetes mellitus), renal, neurologic, hepatic, or haematologic disorders; ⚬ Immunosuppression (including immunosuppression caused by medications, HIV or other immunodeficiencies); ⚬ Persons aged 18 years (as well as those below 18 years under the NCIS) who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy and therefore might be at risk for developing Reye syndrome after influenza infection; ⚬ Women at all stages of pregnancy; or ⚬ Persons receiving Intermediate and Long Term Care (ILTC) services. Pneumococcal Vaccination (pneumococcal conjugate 13-valent, PCV13) Recommended and eligible for subsidies if the individual is aged 18-64 years old and has any of the following conditions: ⚬ Cochlear implant or cerebrospinal fluid leak; ⚬ Anatomic or functional asplenia (including conditions such as homozygous sickle cell disease and coeliac syndrome that may lead to splenic dysfunction); or ⚬ Immunosuppression (including immunosuppression caused by medications, HIV or other immunodeficiencies). Pneumococcal vaccination (pneumococcal polysaccharide 23-valent, PPSV23) Recommended and eligible for subsidies if the individual is aged 18-64 years old and has any of the following conditions: ⚬ Chronic pulmonary, cardiovascular, renal or liver disease, or diabetes mellitus; ⚬ Cochlear implant or cerebrospinal fluid leak; ⚬ Anatomic or functional asplenia (including conditions such as homozygous sickle cell disease and coeliac syndrome that may lead to splenic dysfunction); or ⚬ Immunosuppression (including immunosuppression caused by medications, HIV or other immunodeficiencies).
- Health Screening Package C
This is our comprehensive health screening package, consisting of all the essential tests and in-depth cancer marker tests, for individuals who wish to have a more comprehensive analysis of their health. This screening includes a doctor’s consultation, post-review with the doctor and physical examination assessment. It includes vital signs measurement such as Height and Weight Measurement, Blood Pressure and Oximeter reading. Price: $398 ➭ Price before GST ➭ Payment is to be made in the chosen clinics. 📋 General Assessment: ✓ Review of Results ✓ Blood Pressure Measurement ✓ Height & Weight Measurement ✓ Visual Acuity ✓ Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire 🩸 Laboratory Analysis: • Haematology (血液学) ◦ Full Blood Count ◦ Peripheral Blood Film • Cardiac Risk Profile (心脏风险指数) ◦ Full Cholesterol (Including Direct LDL) ◦ Hs C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) • Diabetic Panel (糖尿病检查) ◦ HBA1C ◦ Glucose (Random) • Gout Screening (尿酸) • Full Kidney Function (肾检查) • Bone & Joint Profile (骨和关节检查) ◦ Calcium ◦ Phosphate ◦ Rheumatoid Factor (RF) • Full Liver Function (肝检查) • Thyroid Profile (甲状腺检查) ◦ Free T4 (FT4) ◦ TSH • Stomach Infection (慢性胃病) • Sexual Hormone (性激素) • Hepatitis A, B, C Screen (A, B, C型肝炎) • Cancer Markers (肿瘤指数) ◦ AFP (Liver) (肝癌) ◦ CEA (Colon) (结肠癌) ◦ EBV-IgA (Nose) (鼻癌) ◦ CA 19.9 (Pancreas) (胰腺癌) ♂ Male ◦ PSA (Prostate) (前列腺癌) ♀ Female ◦ CA 15.3 (Breast) (乳癌) ◦ CA 125 (Ovaries) (卵巢癌) • Urine / Stool Analysis (尿液分析) ✅ Recommended for individuals aged 30-40 or working adults or individuals with diabetes. 🕑 Available to do your health screening any time of the day, without needing to fast beforehand. 🍴 Non-Fasting Option Available, a light meal is allowed, but please refrain from drinking alcohol before your screening.
- Health Screening Package D
This is our enhanced health screening package that includes many diagnostic tests and an in-depth understanding of your nutritional health. This screening includes a doctor’s consultation, post-review with the doctor and physical examination assessment. It includes vital signs measurement such as Height and Weight Measurement, Blood Pressure and Oximeter reading. Price: $450 ➭ Price before GST ➭ Payment is to be made in the chosen clinics. 📋 General Assessment: ✓ Review of Results ✓ Blood Pressure Measurement ✓ Height & Weight Measurement ✓ Visual Acuity ✓ Diet Screening Questionnaire ✓ Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire 🩸 Laboratory Analysis: • Full Blood Count (红血,白血检查) • Inflammatory Markers (发炎指数) • Cardiac Risk Marker (心脏风险指数) • Full Cholesterol Profile (胆固醇) • Diabetic Panel (糖尿病检查) ◦ Fasting Sugar (糖尿病) ◦ HBA1C (血糖指数) • Gout Screening (尿酸) • Kidney Function (肾检查) • Urine Analysis (尿液) • Urine Micro-protein (尿微量白蛋白) • Full Liver Function (肝检查) • Thyroid Screen (甲状腺) • Cancer Markers (肿瘤指数) ◦ AFP (Liver) (肝癌) ◦ CEA (Colon) (结肠癌) • Hepatitis A & B Screen (A和B型肝炎) • Stool Study for Colon Cancer (粪便检验) • Anaemia Profile (贫血概况) 🩺 Diagnostic Tests • Body Composition Analysis (BCA) (体脂肪测定分析) • ECG with Postural Blood Pressure Analysis (带姿势血压分析的心电图) • Lung Function Test (肺功能检查) • Dry Eye Test (泪液分泌试验 ) • Fluid Retention Screen (指压性足部水肿) • Upper Limb Functional Screen (上肢功能屏幕) • Lower Limb Functional Screen (下肢功能屏幕) ✅ Recommended for individuals who wish to understand their nutritional health or people with diabetes 🕑 Available to do your health screening any time of the day, without needing to fast beforehand. 🍴 Non-Fasting Option Available, a light meal is allowed, but please refrain from drinking alcohol before your screening.
- Work Permit Screening (Renewal)
Please bring along the Identification Documents and Medical form on the day of the appointment. 🩸 Screening includes: • Medical Screening • HIV Screening • Chest X-ray* Optional - Update COVID-19 vaccination records into National Immunization Records (NIR) 🩻 If a Chest X-ray is required, do inform our staff and we will refer you to our partnered radiology centers/polyclinics. 💉 Let our staff know if your COVID-19 vaccination records are required to be updated in the National Immunization Registry (NIR).
- Comprehensive STD (Male)
This screening includes a doctor’s consultation, post-review with the doctor and physical examination assessment. It includes vital signs measurement such as Height and Weight Measurement, Blood Pressure and Oximeter reading. Price: $250 ➭ Price before GST ➭ Payment is to be made in the chosen clinics. 📋 General Assessment: ✓ Review of Results 🩸 Laboratory Analysis: • Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea PCR (衣原体和淋病PCR) • Herpes Simplex Virus Type I IgG (单纯疱疹病毒I型IgG) • Herpes Simplex Virus Type II IgG (单纯疱疹病毒II型IgG) • HIV Ag/Ab Screen (HIV Ag / Ab筛查) • Urine FEME (尿液) • VD (Syphilis TP Ab) (梅毒TP Ab) • RPR & TPPA (if Syphilis is reactive) (梅毒呈反应性) 🕑 Available to do your health screening any time of the day, without needing to fast beforehand.
- Dependent Pass Medical Checkup
Please bring along the Identification Documents and the Medical Form on the day of the appointment. ➭ Payment is to be made in the chosen clinics. 🩺 Screening includes: • Medical Screening • HIV Screening • Chest X-ray Optional - Update COVID-19 vaccination records into National Immunization Records (NIR) 🩻 If a Chest X-ray is required, do inform our staff and we will refer you to our partnered radiology centers/polyclinics. 💉 Let our staff know if your COVID-19 vaccination records are required to be updated in the National Immunization Registry (NIR).